Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dinner Guest

It was quite an ordeal having Puppy over for dinner last night. First he wanted to sit on a stool next to Hogan, but that didn't work. Then, he wanted sit in the booster seat on the stool next to Hogan, but that wasn't right either. Finally, we all agreed that Puppy could sit with Hogan in the high chair. Puppy got to eat peanut butter and oranges. Hogan was a little confused that Puppy couldn't chew and swallow food, so then I had to intervene with chewing sounds and magically make the food disappear so it seemed like Puppy was really eating. He really was such a demanding guest. Word on the street is that Duck is coming to dinner. I hope he's much easier going than his furry pal Puppy.
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1 comment:

M.B.S. said...

Wow--Troy and Emily are wonderful hosts!!!!